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Thursday, April 8, 2010

The "art" of being me

I'm currently reading a book where the narrative character constantly refers to people's talents as "arts". One of the descriptions involves describing another's fishing abilities and the fisherman being an artist.
At first, I've got to admit it bothered me the way the character described these different knacks people were good at. But, after awhile of holding back credit worth giving, I think the narrator was trying to convey just how much perfecting, time, and interest is involved when being able to perform these arts. Dancing, fishing, writing, drawing, cooking, even the simple act of talking to people are all things that don't come freely to everyone. For some they take practice to achieve. For others they're born with these "gifts of art".
So, I guess I'll let this observation go on with my approval and appreciate that I can be as good as my own way.