
Can you hear it?

Thursday, June 14, 2012


Restlessness perseveres

Time consumes more than mind.

Retire the binding thoughts

That remind of the unforgotten.

We race against reason

Controlling theories and assumptions.

Tune out the lurking critic;

Admit to nothing.

Insomnia prevails

For the heart is loud.

Twisted rationale

Blinds realism.

Our vulnerable state

Fails to control yesterday.

Friday, May 4, 2012



So, maybe I'm currently having an internal battle with my inner green eyed monster.  The two of us battle for "time" on occasion.  Envy is not a complimentary attribute so I normally try to avoid having it shine through.  However, there are times when I feel "the day" is not mine.  It is everyone else's.  My day evolves around other people that are around me.  Kind of a warped solar system.  Maybe I'm an odd, unique planet or a moon.

I lose continuously to the game of owning the day.  Between preparing for someone else's event or trip and organizing everyone else's schedules my time is defined by the fragments and crevices that fit (and sometimes don't fit) within those times.

I'm all about giving and selflessness.  I believe you've got to give to even appreciate receiving.  But, sometimes, sometimes....I'd like to be planned around, accommodated to, and be given a day all my own (without the guilt).

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Dear Free Spirit,

Life isn't always about floating around, sometimes we need to use our own feet to walk.  Sometimes you have to know where you're going beforehand so that you don't fly headfirst into a brick wall.  And sometimes you have to acknowledge that you're not entirely "free".  Keeping your independent side in balance without losing your sense of honesty nor your humble heart may require the hardest form of self discipline while accomplishing the tasks of life.

Friday, April 20, 2012

The Gift of Life

To watch a movie, in a theatre, just the two of us, alone, is a rare occasion. The rare priviliage presented itself last night. A movie that has trickled into my daily email news-feeds that had touched on a particular passionate topic of mine. I'm acknowledging the movie not to make a political arguement but an excuse to explain my moral stance.

My husband and I took advantage of the limited available viewing of the unfortunately controversial, pro-life movie; "October Baby"................

I am constantly aspiring to find those hidden lessons in life. Aspiring to grow spiritually, closer to God. This film offers a lesson; a raw perspective from an innocent victim. She was never asked her life's value from the one who attempted to steal it. The thief happened to be her birth mother. The value of life is a constant challenge in our crumbling society to defend and debate. It's hard to look life in the eye and defy it. I dare one to try. Without first acknowledging who gave you the gift of life in the first place, you're left with doubting the importance. While incorporating life's importance, the story confronts the truth of consequences and reveals the awards of applying these truths to our lives while applying the power of forgiveness.

I walked away from this movie with a lesson; "If you can forgive, you can let go and can move forward." and to "judge the sin and not the sinner".

If you step away from selfishness and pride, this will enable you to step toward clarity and insight. An open and forgiving heart can also provide you with peace and acceptance. Sin can do many things. Some short lived things and some life changing. But to acknowledge the sin, forgive the sin, and move forward (or work through it) with God on your side.  Attempting to do it any other way would be impossible.

May we all keep our hearts open to lessons, preserve the gift of life, stay true to God, and to his guidance.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

"Saturday Shoo Fly Pie"

It must be winter...those comfort foods tend to deafen my appetite's ears to fruit and salads. After being invited to a special family dinner, I thought it would be nice (for me) to use the excuse and try out a recipe. Shoo Fly Pie is one I've only heard about. This was not a dish I've ever tasted nor was ever interested in. It doesn't sound very appetizing but, you've got to admit the name strikes a cord with my creative nature. Known as a common pie used in Pennsylvania Dutch households, it's been used as even a breakfast dish. Yeah, I know pie for breakfast? Well, it should be good right? One of the top ingredients is molasses (my sister's nemesis), which admittingly, my nose buds are NOT fond of the smell. Despite the all of it's deterrring points, the combination of my husband's love of my renown crust, and my passion for baking, this project came forth with no reason at all other than a wild hair let loose on a Saturday......

First on the pie agenda...bring on the pie crust!!

Tools of the trade; crisco, ice water, a skill for accurate measuring, parchment paper, and an eye for those little combined balls of shortening, salt and water. A non-stick rolling pin is a bonus too. These also come in handy when trying to keep your husband in line!!

You're ready to roll!! Parchment paper has become a staple of mine while making a pie. I'm reminded of how much so when caught in the middle of pie-making with only inches of paper left on the roll. It's a must when rolling your crust and transferring it to your pie dish.

Other than a lot of molasses, an egg, some hot water, and baking soda there's not much to the bottom layer of this pie. The crumbly sweet mixture of shortening, flour and brown sugar tops the "molasses mountain" complimenting the unique goodness.

The end of the story? I brought it as my offering plea for being invited to dinner and it was welcomed with curiousity and compliments. Though not a big hit with the youngins' the bigger youngin' appreciated the not-so-traditional pie that mom made.

You live, you eat, you learn. No regrets on this one.