
Can you hear it?

Thursday, March 11, 2010

You bring the cup, I'll bring the tea.

With all this talk about tea parties lately, I'm inspired to put a little oomph of my own out there to inspire my daily ventures and perhaps others as well. If more people took things passionately wouldn't there be more stances for better causes rather than for self profit? What about sincereity and being earnest in what we believe rather than a selfish gain. Yet there's a thin line there. Most un-passionate people would like to think of themselves as "passionate". So, where is the disclaimer to differentiate between a meaningful act or an underlying motive?

Someone close to me claims that they lack passion about anything. I still beg to differ in their arguement because I'm sure there's something that would stir their emotions or float their boat. Something has got to exist out there that drives their interest. I think that certain flair of emotion exists more or less in everyone. Is it the lack of interest to entertain the thought? Is it the absence of feeling? How about fear and what role would fear play in allowing us to feel so deeply about something?

Those passionate feelings keep us going. They fuel what drives us to accomplish goals and dreams. They're what motivates us to get out of bed in the morning prepping us to face the day.

Granted there are days where I'm lacking that "passion". But shouldn't the little bit that we each own be valued and acknowledged? Be savored and appreciated? For one day there might be a tea party to attend.

1 comment:

  1. I want to have more passion. Sometimes I feel like I've squashed down 'passion' for all of my life - suppressing the extremes of emotions like anger/exhiliration due to life's demands. Trying too hard to be mature, professional, calm & steadfast. I have to stop & wonder sometimes if I may have shortchanged myself. Drat! Well, we can't change the past but there's always tomorrow...
