
Can you hear it?

Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Domino Effect

Have you ever noticed there are waves of bad luck? Perhaps a passing trend of bad news or carma that occasionally cross your path? Recently, I've had news of deaths, suicides, and broken spirits. Diagnosis of cancer, loss of loved ones, and people who end thier dilemas by taking their lives.

I've often wondered if one sole mishap could possibly affect another and a "domino effect" occurs by equally spreading momentum to the next subject in the way. Isn't life odd? How, without thinking, we are affected by our environment. The sounds, the visions, our feelings in which we emerse ourselves in daily can either inspire, motivate, disillusion, innfluence us without us being aware. We're oblivious to rationale and common sense. It's almost like we surrender to life's toll.

One bad instance when one falls, taking down another with it's energy. Pulling, weighting down the next in line. How do we avoid the inevitable? Perhaps we need to step out of line. Possibly taking a couple steps back to break the chain. Or maybe we need to consider that we were in the wrong line to begin with.

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