
Can you hear it?

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The grass is greener....

Despite driving over 70 mph on the freeway, I couldn't help but notice this very large headed cow with it's head stuck tightly between the wires of a fence. This black headed, ear tagged, ruminant was convinced that whatever was on the other side of it's boundary was worth the risk of looking undignified. Reaching, neck stretched it was desperately trying to reach something....maybe a greener blade of grass.

It was comical yet revealing of us creatures. Ever so preoccupied with what we'd like to have but just...can't....reach.

Those times where we tend to compare our situation, our livelihood with others. Getting wrapped up in others' trophies and wanting to swap our own treasures we neglect to be thankful for - for something bigger and better.

Is it wrong to want more? I was once told that very rarely are your choices wrong if it doesn't threaten your relationship with God. Now, there's a tricky concept to apply. Us humans have become very good at justifying our wants. There's a thin line that deciphers what motivates us. Even then we can be swayed by our "selfish needs" than a true need.

So, what was empowering that pathetic cow? His appetite, or his eye for quality chow? Perhaps it was the mere drive of survival.

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